spooky sweet treats for your peeps




I found these cupcake liners at Target. Sitting close by were the packages of ghost peeps.

All of a sudden, I had a vision!


Start with cupcakes.

I used my current favorite chocolate cake recipe that I've posted in the past except made it into cupcakes. They turn out incredibly moist and light.

 I frosted them with whipped cream, but your favorite white frosting will work just fine.

Add a spooky peep.

Bootiful! (sorry, couldn't resist)



Apple Pie Ball

pie-ballAhh, apple season. We were craving the yummy apple dumplings from Brookfield Orchards but, unfortunately couldn't make a day trip to Massachusetts. So, we tried to make our own. I was feeling a bit lazy and decided to use pre made pie crusts. I know, I know...but the reality is they are flaky, tasty and already made so why not use them! I rolled out the EZ dough and cut it into four sections. Peeled four apples and cored them. Placed one apple on one dough section. Put a little cinnamon sugar mixture in the core as well as a little pad of butter and folded up the dough around the apple. Then I brushed an eggwhite water mixture over the dough so it browns up nicely. I put all four apples close together in a small baking dish.

Many of the dumpling recipes call for a syrup that you make and bake them in. The ones that we had back on the east coast didn't come that way and again, I was looking for the easiest, fastest way to have a sweet treat so in the oven at 375 degrees they went. You know they are done when they turn golden and flaky and make your house smell all homey and delicious!


Sure, they were warm and yummy but they didn't taste like the dumplings we remembered. My husband said it was like eating a pie ball. I agreed, and for some reason that name makes me laugh. So, if your looking for a fall apple treat maybe you should whip up some easy bake pie balls!

lickin' for love

lickin-for-lots-of-loveSome of you know this story, but today seems like a good day to tell it again.

A long time ago in a land far away (Spring 2003, NYC)

I gave my love a giant gobstopper.

"When I get to the center of this giant gobstopper," he said,

"I will ask you to marry me."

Oh my! I thought. Please start licking!

At first he licked a little each night. It was so exciting to see the colors change with each layer.

However, I began to realize it would take many nights of intensive licking to get to the center of that giant gobstopper.

Should I secretly boil it down in a pot of water?

Surely he would notice.

I would just have to wait. And wait. And wait.

As dust started to collect upon its candy shell I gave up hope.

Our love was true...

It would happen when it was supposed to happen.

Even though I saw him pick it up from time to time and lick, straight through the dust,

I decided to forget about it.

Years passed.

One day we went for a long hike up a mountainside to a beautiful lake. We had a picnic lunch and gazed upon the wild vista.

My love then placed something in my hand.

What was this faded, broken thing?

It was the giant gobstopper, except it was giant no more.

He had licked all the way down to the final layer and the gummy center.

We were married two months later on the happiest, rainiest Saturday I have ever seen.

That was four years ago today.

Happy Anniversary, my love!


It was only appropriate we used giant gobstoppers as a wedding favor...


As for that original one, licked all the way down to the center, it sits in a frame forever protected from dust and always a reminder of how many licks were made for love.

fall wedding flowers bejeweled with indian corn


I love fall. It is most definitely my favorite season. So of course I love fall weddings and the autumnal color palette for flower bouquets. I was really into the beautiful jeweled colors of mini indian corn and decided to include them in the bridal bouquets. Have you ever really looked at indian corn when the light is hitting it just right? Like little gems on a cob.  Greenery and berries from our natural environment added texture and gave a wilder look to the classic callas and roses.







