A warm sunny day by the kiddie pool seemed like the perfect place to drag out the good ol’ crayola washable paints. I love that smell! It really brings me back to the elementary school art room.
I purchased a roll of white kraft paper, taped a large piece to the fence in our little yard, and poured out dollops of paint on plates as the little miss eagerly watched.
In my mind this was going to be a wild washable paint extravaganza! I imagined her covered from head to toe, pressing herself against the paper and then running into the kiddie pool to wash off,
BUT NO, Clementine has to wipe her fingers off in between colors while finger painting! She hates getting her hands “dirty”, which is definitely not a trate inherited from me! Hopefully she will outgrow it. Until then, she’s really into the different brushes; it was her first time using them and she knew just what to do.
She was so happy as as she painted for a bit, splashed in the pool, took a ride down the slide and then back to her ‘masterpiece’ she went, smiling from ear to ear.
Finally, she dipped her hand in a color and pressed it on the paper. She was slightly hesitant, but once I showed her that Weezie could do it she was more at ease.
Then came the feet! She had absolutely no qualms about stepping on that plate of paint and kicking her little legs up. She thought that was great!
Next time, I think I’ll put the paper on the ground and let her have a colorful, one tiny person dance party.
Yes, this is what it’s all about!